Friday, May 11, 2007

Off to the Wilderness!

This summer I will be working at Wilderness Canoe Base, a summer camp in Nothern Minnesota that guides kids on canoe trips into the wilderness and lets them experience a closer relationship with God. I have been extremely excited about going, serving, and exploring God's creation, but I was extremely saddened by the news that I received from the camp later today. I found out today that a fairly extensive fire broke out in the area east of the camp and some of the fire spread to the island where the camp is located. The fire went through the camp and destroyed 35 out of the 60 buildings in the camp. Thankfully, all of the staff were evacuated and no one was injured, but it is going to take some time to rebuild the parts of the camp that are now gone.

I have been informed that the summer schedule will go on as planned and I will still be serving on staff, but it will still be hard work guiding and working on the camp. At first I was very saddened and disappointed by this news, but later I received a huge feeling of peace and encouragement from God. Apparently God has sent me to be at this camp, this summer, at this particular time, and all I can do is have faith that God will do amazing things through me and this camp. Also, this will be an amazing oppurtunity to work with a team to rebuild and reform this camp. Also, I will be able to see nature in its rawest form, healing itself and renewing itself. The events that have happened are very sad and frustrating, but God's will will be in this and I have to believe that He will do amazing things this summer.

This may be the last post that I am able to do in a while, but I am confident that my eyes will be opened immensely this summer, hopefully giving me some good blogging material this fall when I come back. Have a great summer!